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how to scan large drawings

If like me, you don’t own a giant scanner that’ll do the job in one go – don’t worry! Where there’s a will there’s a way!

Using my trusty Epson Perfection V550 Photo scanner, I lay my drawing – this one is A3 in size – down and make sure the top edge is tucked into the corner snugly, you can tape this into position so it doesn’t move once the lid is shut!

Scan this section and then readjust your drawing to cover the middle section:

Then scoot it one more time to scan the last section:

Once you’ve got your selection of scans, you can use any photo editing software to merge the scans into one! I’ve got a future blog coming with how I do this also!

Now this drawing was coloured pencil on Stonehenge Fine Art paper, but if it were a pastel drawing I probably wouldn’t scan it but instead use my DSLR to take a high resolution photograph instead – that way I’m not risking any smudging when the pastels touch the scanner glass.

I’ve scanned drawings up to A2 using this method and found practice really does make progress!

Happy scanning!

Cherry xo